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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Assam Livestock Development Agency

IT Professionals on Contractual Basis (2 Nos.)

Applications are invited from Engineering Graduates/postgraduates in Computer Science OR Information Technology for the establishment of a State Project Management Unit of the National Digital Livestock Mission (NDLM) at Assam Livestock Development Agency. Persons with a minimum of 2 (two) years of experience are desirable.  Number of positions: 2 (two). Applications will be received by hard copy at the Office of the Assam Livestock Development Agency, Khanapara, Ghy-22 on or before  31-OCT-2023. No applications will be received through e-mail by Assam Livestock Development Agency, Khanapara, Ghy-22. 


  •                                                                                                                 Sd/-
  •                                                                                                 Chief Executive Officer,
  •                                                                                        Assam Livestock Development Agency,
  •                                                                                      GS Road, Khanapara, Guwahati-781022
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